Hochkeil – Your mountain in Mühlbach am Hochkönig


The Radacher family is in the fifth generation at the Hochkeil “dahoam”. Our mountain hotel Arthurhaus, the team hostel Hochkeilhaus and the Hochkeil lifts are our bases.

In the ***Berghotel Arthurhaus Peter is the boss. He is assisted by Bianca, Chrisi and Laura at the reception. In the service Günther, Claudia, Edelka, Herbert and Gerri take care of the guests.

Balacs, Thomas, Dabor, Frank and Karli are at work in the kitchen, and Barbara looks after the rooms. In the Hostel-Hochkeilhaus team, Pez runs the show. In the kitchen, Martin wields the wooden spoon and Alijan keeps it clean. Alex is in charge of the service.

Rupert is our operations manager at the lifts. He is supported by Gottfried and Kim. Makram is at the Arthurhaus lift and Michi is preparing the natural snow slopes.